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Profiad Milwr Cymreig


Based upon the words and experience of Welsh Soldiers from the First World War. Profiad Milwr Cymreig (The Experience of a Welsh soldier) is a hardback book that I created to enter the ISTD Awards 2018.


The ISTD stands for International Society of Typographic Designers. The key insight was that “during the First World War Welsh soldiers who sent letters home circumnavigate the censor bureau as they did not employ people who spoke Welsh.” As a result of this many Welsh villages knew about the true horrors that troops were experiencing on the front line. While doing my research I contacted various different archives to see if they had any letters that were sent home in Welsh, unfortunately, none of them had a letter that I could easily acquire online. Once my Nain (Grandmother) had translated the documents I then set the type using my typewriting as it was appropriate to the time period. The preface was typeset using InDesign. The front cover was lino cut and it is of the British War Medal that was standard issue to everyone who served in the First World War.

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