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Animal Farm Book Cover

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The book cover I designed for the book Animal Farm by George Orwell and entered into the 2018 Penguin Books Cover Competition.

After reading the book it was clear that I wanted to include the pigs on the front cover, after all, they are the main character. The cover design I submitted is the one above. It was based off a photo shoot that I did use a pig trotter that I bought. It has quite an eerie 1984 vibe by having the single pig on the front cover with its big white eyes staring directly at you.

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The book cover above was based on a college that I created using old Grocer magazines from the 1950s. I created my own magazine called “Animal Farm” and I created my own fake magazine using body copy that I wrote that is full of in-jokes relating the book.


The book cover above is halfpig skin and half human skin. The human skin is on the left and pigskin of the right, with a gradient fade in the middle of the two to show the pigs transforming into humans, like they do in the book.

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