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News of the World

Create a poster for a selected news article. That expresses your opinion on the matter.


The article was based on women being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia for the first time. The poster was created out of oil and painted onto A2 cartridge paper. I painted it out of old used oil as Saudi Arabia has a lot of connections to oil as that is what their economy was built off and it gave the piece a more interesting texture and smell. The symbol at the top is simply the Venus symbol for women with an alloy wheel placed inside it. The text at the bottom of the page translates to 'finally'.

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The next poster is based on a article that is about the far right being on the rise again in Germany. Having taking A Level history and learning about Nazi Germany in great detail my initial thought was ‘oh fuck here we go again’. Hence why my response has the line ‘It’s not gonna happen again... promise’, as my opinion was that it could happen again. The colours and font choice were both taken from a old 1940, brand guidelines for the Nazi party that can be sourced online.

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This poster is a photographic piece based on a article that some universities are handing out wrist bands with the students private information on it, encase they are blacked out drunk and are unable make their way home. I felt that this was a stupid idea and doesn’t help students, I also thought that it left students open to being taken advantage of, hence the line “DONT RAPE ME” to add an emphasis to the risk of them being taken advantage of.

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